Intro To Essential Oils + Aromatherapy Workshop


Get your questions answered!

So you’re wondering about natural and safer alternatives to what mainstream society typically uses.

You’ve heard of essential oils but didn’t really understand what they are or how (or if) they work.

Aaaaand you’ve also seen a lot of new age stuff being used with essential oils, so you’re not sure if they do work…and if they do, if you should use them as a Christian.

Well hi. I love Jesus. I love the Bible. And I love holistic health. (I actually got my degree in Biblical + Theological Studies at a Christian university/seminary, and also have certification in aromatherapy, herbalism, and working on my nutrition certification!)

And well. I think health belongs to the Lord, not to the world. So Christians should be the forerunners in the health industry rather than some of the least healthy people on earth (which is what we are). And we should be able to discern what is legit + biblical vs what is fake + demonic.

In this deep-dive 1.5 hour class, I’m teaching:

—how essential oils work physiologically and chemically

—scientific studies on how EOs have helped others with a variety of emotional and physical ailments

—what to look for when buying EOs

—and how to navigate this stuff as a Christian

This class is everything I WISH I had when I first started using essential oils, and it’s yours for only $1!!

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