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Safety Guidelines I Wish I Knew When I Started Using Essential Oils

Hi, there!

So you may or may not know this, but I have been using essential oils for a few years now (read about my story here), and as I’ve started to learn more and more about the science-y stuff about them, I’ve come to realize that the safety aspect of essential oils is talked about far, far less than what I think is wise!

Aaaaaaaand, as I’m writing this, I’m actually being trained to become an aromatherapist, which is basically someone who is certified to teach and treat using essential oils, so the idea of safety while using them has been on my mind a lot.

Anyway, here’s a few guidelines!

1. Research, especially with littles or if pregnant/breastfeeding!

Research the oil and safety precautions of EVERY oil you use, especially with children or if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding. (Young Living actually has a specific kit of oils that are made for littles and kiddos!)

For the most part, oils are generally really safe. But you want to check dilution ratios, if they should be used long-term, and stuff like that in situations with littles.

I also think it’s best not to ingest oils at all while pregnant or breastfeeding. Not all essential oils are deemed safe for littles or pregnancy.

For instance, clary sage has been shown to help induce labor but if not used properly, it could cause early labor. We want to keep you and their little bodies safe <3 

2. Dilute!

So I used to think that diluting essential oils with a carrier oil (I personally love jojoba oil!) lessened the essential oil’s effects, but that’s actually not the case! Diluting with a carrier oil actually PROLONGS the essential oil’s effects and helps reduce the possibility of your skin getting irritated if you’re sensitive to that oil! (It also helps the oil last a long longer, which means you’re saving money by not buying as often!)

Always apply essential oils in proper dilution ratios.

Some oils are perfectly fine to use undiluted on the skin! I personally use a lot of oils “neat” or without a carrier oil, but I also don’t have sensitive skin or any known allergens.

Everyone’s skin is different, so start by diluting to make sure you’re not sensitive to that oil. (If you do have an irritation from an essential oil, wash with water first because essential oils are hydrophobic, then add carrier oil so the oils soak into the carrier oil instead of your skin.)

Also, some essential oils are known skin irritants. For instance, peppermint applied to the skin without being diluted could cause an intense burning sensation. Oils like bergamot and grapefruit are phototoxic, meaning they can cause a bad sunburn if applied to the skin in the sunlight.

As a GENERAL rule of thumb (it will be more specific depending on age, where the oil is being used, and what kind of oil it is), littles and elderly people with thinner skin should only have 1-6 drops per 10ml carrier oil, and teens and adults can have about 9-15 drops per 10ml carrier oil.

3. Make sure the oil is okay with your meds or health condition!

If you’re on medication or have a health condition, make sure the essential oil you’re using is safe with it. I don’t *think* there will be any issue if you use a little bit of the essential oil every now and then. But ones you use often, a lot, and regularly could impact your medication/condition and vice versa.

For example, Ylang ylang is hypertensic, meaning that it can lower blood pressure. So if you already have low blood pressure or take a medication that lowers blood pressure, I wouldn’t use this one regularly!

Anyways, these are just a few safety guidelines to get you started.

Essential oils are generally SUPER safe, but like anything, they need to be used appropriately for YOU and YOUR needs, and be used with wisdom!

Also, I’m not a doctor. Please ask your doctor for health advice <3

Also, also a couple of these links, I can earn a commission on if you buy through my link. I have to say that — it’s the rules haha! :)

I hope this helps!! Let me know if you have any questions!

Want to learn more? I have a class that teaches you the science of what they are, how they work, and how to navigate that sphere as a Christian.

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